English to French European Commission terminology (DGT)

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St Vincent parrotAmazone de Saint-Vincent ou de Guilding
Imperial parrotAmazone impériale
Cuban parrotAmazone de Cuba, amazone à tête blanche
Yellow-headed parrotAmazone à tête jaune
Red-spectacled parrotAmazone de Prêtre
Red-browed parrotAmazone à couronne rouge
Tucuman parrotAmazone de Tucuman
Saint Lucia parrotAmazone versicolore
Vinaceous parrotAmazone vineuse
Green-cheeked parrotAmazone à joues vertes
Puerto Rican parrotAmazone à bandeau rouge
Blue macawsAras hyacinthes, de Lear, glauques
Great green macawAra de Buffon
Blue-throated macawAra à gorge bleue
Scarlet macawAra macao
Military macawAra militaire
Red-fronted macawAra de Fresnaye
Spix’s macawAra de Spix
Norfolk Island parakeetCyanoramphus forbesi (I)
Chatham Island yellow-fronted parakeetCyanoramphus novaezelandiae (I)
Red-fronted parakeetCyanoramphus saisseti (I)
Coxen’s double-eyed fig parrotEunymphicus cornutus (I)
Golden parakeetGuarouba, conure dorée
Orange-bellied parrotPerruche à ventre orange
Yellow-eared parrotPerruche à oreilles jaunes
Pezoporus occidentalis (possibly extinct) (I)Pezoporus occidentalis (peut-être éteint) (I)
Night parrotPezoporus wallicus (I)
Ground parrotPionopsitta pileata (I)
Blue-headed macawAra de Coulon
Blue-winged macawAra maracana
Golden-shouldered parrotPerruche à ailes d’or
Hooded parrotPerruche à capuchon
Psephotus pulcherrimus (possibly extinct) (I)Psephotus pulcherrimus (peut-être éteint) (I)
Paradise parrotPerruche de paradis
Mauritius parakeetPerruche de l’île Maurice
Blue-throated parakeetConure à gorge bleue
Thick-billed parrotsPerruches ou perroquets à gros bec
KakapoKakaro ou perroquet-hibou
Boreal owlChouettes, hiboux
Short-eared owlChouette de Tengmalm
Long-eared owlHibou brachyote
Little owlHibou moyen-duc
Bubo bubo (II) (Except for Bubo bubo bengalensis which is included in Annex B)Athene noctua (II)
Eurasian eagle-owlChouette chevêche
Eurasian pygmy-owlHibou grand-duc
Forest owletChouette chevêchette
Lesser eagle-owlChevêche forestière
Christmas hawk-owlScops géant de Guerney
Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata (I)Ninox natalis (I) Ninoxe ou chouette des mollusques
Norfolk boobookNinox novaeseelandiae undulata (I)
Sokoke scops-owlHarfang des neiges
Eurasian scops-owlPetit-duc d’Irène
Tawny owlHibou petit-duc
Great grey owlHulotte chat-huant
Strix uralensis (II) (Except for Strix uralensis davidi which is included in Annex B)Strix nebulosa (II)
Ural owlChouette lapone
Barn owlTytonidae

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