English to Italian dictionary of automotive terms

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clutch pedalpedale della frizione
clutch pilot bearing, flywheel bearingcuscinetto centrante della frizione
clutch pressure platespingidisco
clutch release bearing, throw-out bearingcuscinetto dell'albero di disinnesto
clutch shaft, constant pinion shaft, primary shaftalbero della frizione
clutch slipslittamento della frizione
clutch weightpeso della frizione
clutch-disc lining, clutch lining, clutch-plate lining, disc facing, friction liningguarnizione della frizione
CO analyser, CO analyzer, CO testertester CO
coach buildercarrozziere
coach workcarrozzeria
coach, touring-carpullman turistico
coarse filter, preliminary filter, strainerfiltro a rete
coarse threadpasso grosso
coasting clutch, freewheel, one-way clutch, overrunning clutchfrizione a inerzia
coat of paint, paint coatingmano di vernice
coat, coating, layerrivestimento
coat, coverrivestire
coaxial-type starter motor, sliding-gear starter motormotore starter tipo coassiale
code, codingcodice
co-driver's seatsedile co-autista
coefficient of aerodynamic drag, coefficient of air resistance, drag coefficientcoefficiente di resistenza aerodinamica
coefficient of dilatation, coefficient of expansioncoefficiente di dilatazione
coefficient of elasticy, elasticity moduluscoefficiente di elasticità
coefficient of heat conduction, coefficient of thermal conductioncoefficiente di conduzione di calore
cog, cog wheel, gear, gear wheelruota dell'ingranaggio
cogged belt, notched belt, toothed beltcinghia dentata
cogged, tootheddentato, dentata
CO-HC analyser, CO-HC analyzer, CO-HC testertester CO HC
coherence, cohesioncoesione
coil spring, helical springmolla elicoidale
cold chiselcesello freddo
cold plug, cold spark plug, cool-running spark plugcandela fredda
cold startavviamento a freddo
cold-drawntubi trafilati a freddo
cold-filter plugging point (CFPP)punto di occlusione dei filtri a freddo (CFPP)
cold-rolleda rulli freddi
cold-start propertiesproprietà dell'avviamento a freddo
collapsible spare wheelruota di scorta pieghevole
collapsible steering column, deformable steering column, divided steering columnmontante pieghevole dello sterzo
collapsible top, folding roof, folding toptettuccio apribile
collapsible, compressiblecomprimibile
collar bolt, pillar bolt, shoulder boltbullone del collare
collet chuckmandrino a pinze
collision energy, crash energyenergia della collisione
collision testtest di collisione
collision test, crash testcrash test
collision, crash, impactcollisione
color code, colour codecodice colore
color key, colour keychiavetta colore
color, colourcolore
column stalk, control stalkdevioluci
column tube, steering tubeasta di guida

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