Source | Target | Emperor scorpion INSECTA | Escorpión emperador, escorpión negro africano |
COLEOPTERA | Insectos |
Lucanidae | Escarabajos |
Colophon spp. | Ciervos volantes |
(III South Africa) Cape stag beetles | Colophon spp. (III Sudáfrica) |
Dynastes satanas (II) | Dynastes satanas (II) Escarabajo rompefocos |
Atrophaneura jophon (II) Sri Lankan rose | Atrophaneura jophon (II) |
Graphium sandawanum Apo swallowtail butterfly | Cola de golondrina del Apo |
Seram swallowtail Ornithoptera spp. | Cola de golondrina de Ceram o Serang |
(except for the species included in Annex A) Birdwing butterflies | Ornithoptera spp. (II) (excepto las especies incluidas en el anexo A) |
Papilio benguetanus Papilio chikae (I) | Ala de pájaro de la reina Alejandra |
Corsican swallowtail Papilio morondavana | Mariposa de la esperanza |
Papilio neumoegeni Parides ascanius | Cola de golondrina de Homero |
Parnassius apollo (II) | Papilio neumoegeni |
Birdwing butterflies Troides spp. (II) | Mariposa de los pantanos de Río |
ANNELIDA (SEGMENTED WORMS AND LEECHES) HIRUDINOIDEA Leeches | Cola de golondrina amazónica de Hahnel |
Hirudo medicinalis (II) | Mariposa Apolo |
Southern medicinal leech MOLLUSCA (MOLLUSCS) BIVALVIA | Trogonoptera spp. (II) |
Mytilidae | HIRUDINOIDEA |
UNIONOIDA Unionidae | Sanguijuelas |
Cyprogenia aberti (II) | Hirudo verbana (II) |
Dromus dromas (I) | BIVALVIA |
Epioblasma curtisii (I) | MYTILOIDA |
Epioblasma florentina (I) | Mejillones marinos |
Epioblasma sampsonii (I) | Dátil de mar |
Epioblasma sulcata perobliqua (I) | Unionidae |
White catspaw mussel Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum (I) | Mejillones de agua dulce, perlíferos |
Epioblasma torulosa torulosa (I) | Epioblasma curtisii (I) |
Epioblasma turgidula (I) | Epioblasma sampsonii (I) |
Turgid-blossom pearly mussel Epioblasma walkeri (I) | Epioblasma sulcata perobliqua (I) |
Tan riffleshell Fusconaia cuneolus (I) | Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum (I) |
Fine-rayed pigtoe pearly mussel Fusconaia edgariana (I) | Epioblasma torulosa rangiana (II) |
Shiny pigtoe pearly mussel Lampsilis higginsii (I) | Epioblasma torulosa torulosa (I) |
Lampsilis virescens (I) | Lampsilis higginsii (I) |
Alabama lamp pearly mussel Plethobasus cicatricosus (I) | Lampsilis orbiculata orbiculata (I) |
Plethobasus cooperianus (I) | Lampsilis virescens (I) |
Tridacnidae Giant clams | Caracoles y conchas |
Tridacnidae spp. (II) | MESOGASTROPODA |
Achatinella spp. (I) | Caracol |
Little agate shells Camaenidae | Papustyla pulcherrima (II) |
Helioporidae spp. | Corales azules |
Santa Cruz striped agave Agave victoriae-reginae (II) #4 | Agave victoriae-reginae (II) #4 |
Nolina interrata (II) | AMARYLLIDACEAE |
Galanthus spp. (II) #4 | Galantos, campanillas de mar |
Snowdrops Sternbergia spp. | Sternbergia spp. (II) #4 |
#4 Sternbergias | ANACARDIACEAE |
Pachypodium spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) #4 | Pachypodium spp. (II) (excepto las especies incluidas en el anexo A) #4 |
Aralias Panax ginseng (II) (Only the population of the Russian Federation; no other population is included in the Annexes to this Regulation) #3 | Panax ginseng (II) (solo la población de la Federación de Rusia; ninguna otra población está incluida en los anexos del presente Reglamento) #3 |
CACTACEAE spp. | Cactus |
(Except for the species included in Annex A and Pereskia spp., Pereskiopsis spp. and Quiabentia spp.) [13]#4 Cacti Ariocarpus spp. (I) | CACTACEAE spp. (II) (excepto las especies incluidas en el anexo A y Pereskia spp., Pereskiopsis spp. y Quiabentia spp.) [13]#4 |
Aztekium ritteri (I) | Rocas vivientes |
Pediocactus bradyi (I) | Pediocactus sileri (I) |
Pediocactus sileri (I) | Sclerocactus glaucus (I) |
Siler’s pincushion cactus Pelecyphora spp. (I) | Sclerocactus mariposensis (I) |
Pine cane cactus Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii (I) | Sclerocactus mesae-verdae (I) |
Sclerocactus erectocentrus (I) | Sclerocactus papyracanthus (I) |
Sclerocactus glaucus (I) | Sclerocactus wrightiae (I) |