Source | Target | (urban) development plan | Bebauungsplan |
accounting variance | Plan-/Istabweichung |
accumulated budget billing plan | Abschlagsplan, kumulierter |
accurate planning run | Genauplanung |
actual plan | Istplan |
administration of planning data | Plandatenverwaltung |
aggregate planning period | Planungszeitraum |
aggregated sales and operations planning | Absatz- und Vertriebsplanung, aggregierte |
amortized planned quantity | Plan-Menge, amortisierte |
amortized planned value | Plan-Wert, amortisierter |
asset transfer to different plant | Werksumsetzung |
asset-related cost planning | Kostenplanung, objektbezogene |
asset-related cost planning | Kostenplanung, objektorientierte |
assumed exchange rate | Plankurs |
automatic reorder point planning | Bestellpunktdisposition, maschinelle |
availability of plant stock | Werksverfügbarkeit |
balance planning | Saldendisposition |
base planning object | Bauteil |
base plant group | Basiswerksgruppe |
basic planned time | Plangrundzeit |
benefit plan | Leistungsplan |
bill of exchange planning | Wechseldisposition |
billing plan | Fakturierungsplan |
BOM characteristics planning | Standardproduktvorplanung |
bottleneck planning | Engpaßplanung |
break during planned working time | Sollarbeitspause |
budget billing plan | Abschlagsplan |
budget planning | Budgetplanung |
budget planning | Budget-Planung |
budgeted balance sheet | Planbilanz |
budgeted balance sheet document | Planbilanzbeleg |
business event planning | Veranstaltungsplanung |
business plan | Geschäftsplan |
Business Planning and Control | Unternehmenscontrolling |
calendar planning | Kalendrierung |
campaign planning | Kampagnenplanung |
capacity planner | Kapazitätsplaner |
capacity planner group | Kapazitätsplanergruppe |
capacity planning | Kapazitätsplanung |
capacity requirements planning | Kapazitätsplanung |
capital spending plan | Investitionsplan |
CAPP planner group | CAP-Planergruppe |
Career and Succession Planning | Karriere- und Nachfolgeplanung |
Career Planning | Karriereplanung |
cash planning date | Finanzdispositionsdatum |
characteristics planning techniques | Merkmalsvorplanung |
collective maintenance plan | Sammelwartungsplan |
collective requirements planning | Sammelbedarfsplanung |
combination of plant, person group and person sub | Werks-Personengruppe-Personenkreis-Kombination |
company pension plan | Vorsorge, betriebliche |
complete planning | Gesamtplanung |
computer aided process planning | Computer Aided Planning |
concurrent planning | Planung, mitlaufende |
consecutive planning | Planung, sukzessive |
consistent planning | Planung, konsistente |
consolidation using plan values | Plankonsolidierung |
consumption (master planning/material requirement | Verrechnung (Produktionsplanung/Disposition) |
consumption-based planning | Disposition, verbrauchsgesteuerte |
consumption-driven material | Material, plangesteuertes |
continuous planning | Planung, rollierende |