Source | Target | contact person | Ansprechpartner |
Corporate Human Resources (Corporate Department) | Personal (Zentralabteilung) |
Corporate Human Resources (Corporate Department) | Zentralabteilung Personal |
customized representations | Persönlicher Foliensatz |
deployment of personnel | Personaleinsatz |
Executive Development | Personalentwicklung Führungskreis |
Human Resources | Referat Personal |
Human Resources Management | Personaldisposition/-einsatz |
Human Resources Management | Personalführung |
in co-ordination with the person responsible for conducting specific business | Abstimmung mit dem Geschäftsverantwortlichen |
Involved Persons | Rollenträger |
Main Personnel Office | Hauptpersonalbüro |
paging device | Personensuchanlage |
person in charge | Verantwortlicher |
person responsible for conducting business | Geschäftsverantwortlicher |
personal data processing | Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten |
Personal Security | Sicherungsgruppe |
personal slides | Eigene Folien |
personel development | Personalentwicklung |
Personnel | Personal |
personnel action planning | Personaleinsatzplanung |
Personnel Administration | Personalverwaltung |
personnel costing | Personalaufwand |
personnel costing | Personalkosten |
Personnel Department | Personalabteilung |
Personnel Matters of the Company Management | Personalangelegenheiten der Firmenleitung |
personnel plan | Personalplan |
personnel requirements framework | Personalanforderungsrahmen |
personnel selection | Personalauswahl |
Personnel Services (Services) | Personaldienste (Gemeinsame Dienste) |
persons authorized to make changes | Änderungsberechtigte |
provision of personnel | Personalgestellung |
security principle whereby at least 2 persons are required | Vier-Augen-Prinzip |
staffing pattern | Personalprofil |
target structure for personnel | Personalzielstruktur |
Transfers of Personnel | Abordnungen |