English to French Directorate General for Education and Culture terminology (EAC)

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For preparatory visits and contact seminars:Pour les visites préparatoires et les séminaires de contact:
In the case of job shadowing/observation period, please include a detailed description of the activities and tasks you undertook. If you shadowed/observed more than one person or carried out activities in more than one institution, please explain how your visits and tasks were organised.Dans le cas de stages/périodes d'observation, veuillez fournir une description détaillée des activités et des tâches réalisées.
In the case of job shadowing/observation period, please include a detailed description of the activities and tasks you undertook. If you shadowed/observed more than one person or carried out activities in more than one institution, please explain how your visits and tasks were organised.In the case of job shadowing/observation period, please include a detailed description of the activities and tasks you undertook. If you shadowed/observed more than one person or carried out activities in more than one institution, please explain how your visits and tasks were organised.
In the case of job shadowing/observation period, please include a detailed description of the activities and tasks you undertook. If you shadowed/observed more than one person or carried out activities in more than one institution, please explain how your visits and tasks were organised.Dans le cas d'un stage d'observation, merci d'inclure une description détaillée des activités et taches effectuées. Si vous avez observé plus d'une personne ou effectué des activités dans plus d'un organisme, veuillez expliquer comment vos visites et tâches ont été organisées.
For preparatory visits:Pour les visites préparatoires:
Preparatory VisitsVisites préparatoires
Describe the content and the form of the training activities you have followed indicating the type of teaching method(s) used (for instance class courses, working groups, plenary sessions, practical workshops / seminars, job shadowing, use of ICT, video presentations, school visits, cultural outings, excursions, etc.).Décrivez le contenu et la forme des activités de formation que vous avez suivi, en indiquant le type de méthodes d'enseignement utilisées (exemple: cours, groupes de travail, sessions plénières, atliers/séminaires pratiques, stage d'observation, utilisation des TIC, présentations vidéo, visites d'écoles, visites culturelles, excursions, etc.).
Describe the content and the form of the training activities you have followed indicating the type of teaching method(s) used (for instance class courses, working groups, plenary sessions, practical workshops / seminars, job shadowing, use of ICT, video presentations, school visits, cultural outings, excursions, etc.).Describe the content and the form of the training activities you have followed indicating the type of teaching method(s) used (for instance class courses, working groups, plenary sessions, practical workshops / seminars, job shadowing, use of ICT, video presentations, school visits, cultural outings, excursions, etc.).
Describe the content and the form of the training activities you have followed indicating the type of teaching method(s) used (for instance class courses, working groups, plenary sessions, practical workshops / seminars, job shadowing, use of ICT, video presentations, school visits, cultural outings, excursions, etc.).Décrivez le contenu et la forme des activités de formation que vous avez suivi, en indiquant le type de méthodes d'enseignement utilisées (exemple : cours, groupes de travail, sessions plénières, ateliers/séminaires pratiques, stage d'observation, utilisation des TIC, présentations vidéos, visites d'écoles, visites culturelles, excursions, etc.).
ERASMUS Preparatory Visits for HEIERASMUS Visites préparatoires pour les établissements de l'enseignement supérieur
GRUNDTVIG Preparatory VisitsGRUNDTVIG Visites préparatoires
LEONARDO DA VINCI Preparatory visitsLEONARDO DA VINCI visites préparatoires
Visits and ExchangesVisites et échanges
Study visitsVisites d'étude
Study visitsVisites d'études
GRUNDTVIG Visits and Exchanges for adult education staffGRUNDTVIG Visites et échanges pour le personnel de l'éducation des adultes
COMENIUS Preparatory VisitsCOMENIUS Visites préparatoires

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