English to Danish Directorate General for Education and Culture terminology (EAC)

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Legal addressFolkeregisteradresse
Primary education teaching associate professionalsFolkeskolelærer
The project should commemorate the victims of Nazism or Stalinism, or of those who took important risks for rescuing people from deportation or extermination. The project should mobilise citizens, of all generations, with the aim of remembering those tragic events and the victims. For example, it could consist in bringing together people for a ceremony on a memorial site, on the occasion of an anniversary, or for the inauguration of a commemorative building. It could also aim at increasing the knowledge of individual destinies, through research or inquiries, or at developing documentation material about the victims. The project should clearly identify its target group and take necessary measures to ensure that the message is communicated effectively. Citizens should play an active role in the planning, implementation and follow up of the project.Projektet skal mindes ofrene for nazismen eller stalinismen, samt dem der med risiko for eget liv reddede folk fra deportation eller udryddelse. Projektet skal mobilisere borgere i alle aldre, med det formål at huske disse tragiske hændelser og ofrene. Det kune f.eks. være at samle folk til en ceremoni på et mindested. Det kunne også være at øge kendskabet til individuelle skæbner gennem forskning og undersøgelser, eller at udvikle dokumentations materiale om ofrene. Projektet skal klart difinere sin målgruppe og sikre at budskabet formidles effektivt. Borgerne bør spille en aktiv rolle i planlægning, gennemførelse og opfølgning af projektet.
Primary schoolFolkeskole
Public healthFolkesundhed
People in the labour marketFolk på arbejdsmarkedet
Korea, Democratic People's Republic OfFolkets Republik Korea
Lao People's Democratic RepublicLaos Demokratiske Folkerepublik
Primary educationFolkeskoleundervisning

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