Lithuanian to English European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

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ECDC bendradarbiauja su jomis vykdydamas visas savo užduotis, ypač kai atliekamas parengiamasis darbas siekiant pateikti mokslines nuomones, mokslinę ir techninę pagalbą, surinkti duomenis ir nustatyti naujas sveikatai kylančias grėsmes, taip pat organizuojant viešojo informavimo kampanijas.The ECDC cooperates with them in all its missions, and particularly on preparatory work for scientific opinions, scientific and technical assistance, collection of data, identification of emerging health threat and with regard to public information campaigns.
Centro darbas yra itin profesionalus ir produktyvus.The work in the Centre is characterised by a high level of professionalism and efficiency.
Darbas su mumisWorking with us

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