Lithuanian to English European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

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hemoraginė karštligė su inkstų sindromu (HKIS), dažniausia sukeliama Seulo, Puumala ir Dobrava virusų; epideminė nefropatija, švelni HKIS forma, kurią sukelia Puumala virusas; Hanta viruso širdies-plaučių sindromas, kurį gali sukelti Andes virusas, Sin Nobre virusas ir kai kurie kiti.haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), mainly caused by Seoul, Puumala and Dobrava viruses; nephropathia epidemica, a mild form of HFRS caused by Puumala virus; and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome, which may be caused by Andes virus, Sin Nombre virus, and several others.

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