Lithuanian to English European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

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Terminas salmoneliozė bendrai taikomas bakterijos Salmonella sukeltoms žarnyno infekcijoms, kai jas sukelia Salmonella typhi arba Salmonella paratyphi.Enteric infections due to Salmonella bacteria are generally referred to by the term ‘salmonellosis’ when they are due to Salmonella species other than Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi.
Jos vyko 2007 m. rugsėjo mėn., o scenarijus buvo skirtas kontaktų atsekamumo procedūroms ES viduje tirti vadovaujantis Sveikatos apsaugos komiteto (SAK) rekomendaciniu dokumentu.It took place in September 2007 and the script aimed at exploring contact tracing procedures within the EU, based on the Health Security Committee ‘s (HSC) guidance document.
Terminas „ salmoneliozė “ bendrai taikomas bakterijos Salmonella sukeltoms žarnyno infekcijoms, išskyrus atvejus, kai jas sukelia Salmonella typhi arba Salmonella paratyphi .Enteric infections due to Salmonella bacteria are generally referred to by the term ‘salmonellosis ’ when they are due to Salmonella species other than Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi.

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