English to Finnish European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control terminology (ECDC)

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Epidemic intelligence activities receive support and advice from laboratory experts of the European Network forDiagnostics of "Imported" Viral Diseases (ENIVD) and from clinical experts in tropical and travel medicine of the European Travel Medicine Network (EuroTravNet).Euroopan "tuotujen" virustautien diagnoosiverkoston (European Network for Diagnostics of "Imported" Viral Diseases, ENIVD) laboratorioasiantuntijat sekä matkailulääketieteen eurooppalaisen verkoston (European Travel Medicine Network, EuroTravNet) trooppisten tautien ja matkailulääketieteen kliiniset asiantuntijat tukevat ja neuvovat ECDC:tä epidemiatietoja koskevassa toiminnassa.

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