English to Hausa glossary of Microsoft terms

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Auto CollageHaɗehaɗen Hotuna ta Oto
auto top-upɗaurawa-na oto
AutoArchiveRumbun ajiya na Oto
AutoCompleteCikawan Oto
AutoCorrectGwanin Gyara
Auto-ExtendMai Fadadawa-Oto
AutoFilterNa'urar tace bayanai ta Oto
autoformatTsari mai sarrafa kansa
AutoLayoutTagar daidaita shimfida
automaticMai sarrafa kansa
automatic file restoreDawo da fayil ta otomatik
Automatic MaintenanceAikin gyare-gyare ta Oto
Automatic RepliesAmsoshi ta hanya mai sarrafa kanta
automatic replyamsar sako ta otomatik
automatically saveAjewar da ke sarrafa kanta
AutomationHanyar sarrafawar abu da kansa
Automation objectDafimai sarrafawa
AutoMovieMajigi na Oto
AutoPlayMai kunnawa da kansa
auto-rechargesake caji-na oto
Auto-recoverCeto na gaggawa
auto-redialsake bugawa-na oto
AutoShapesKamannu na Oto
AutoSumMai sarrafa lissafi
AutoTextRubutun Oto
flash autoƙyalla ato
home automation controllerMai kula da na'urar da ke sarrafa kanta
Math AutocorrectDamar shigar alamomin lissafi
Office Automation ServicesAiyukan saitin na'ura na Office
Office Auto-RevisionsNa'urar bita ta Office mai sarrafa kanta

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