English to Hausa glossary of Microsoft terms

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airplane modeyanayin jirgin sama
Basic ProcessAinihin Yanayi
Bing WeatherYanayi na Bing
burst modeyanayin batsewa
Closed Chevron ProcessYanayin Chevron da an Rufe
conditionalNa yanayi
Driving ModeYanayin Tuƙi
Edit modeyanayin gyara
Emergency Callback ModeYanayin Amsakiran Hanzari
expanded screen modeyanayin faɗaɗɗen allo
full-screen modeyanayin cikakken-allo, yanayin cika allo
Global modeyanayin Gamagari
modeYanayin aikin kwamfuta
mood messagesaƙon yanayi
mood panelfaifan yanayi
panning modeyanayin matsarwa
Permanent Time Zone Move ModeYanayin matsarwa na yankin lokaci na dindindin
phone modeyanayin waya
rotate gestureyanayin kewaye
safe mode parsermai tantance yanayin kariya
slide gestureyanayin silaid
stretch gestureyanayin miƙe
swipe gestureyanayin swayip
tap gestureyanayin ƙwanƙwasa
text attributesyanayi da siffofin rubutu
text replysaƙon oto na yanayin tuƙi
windowed modeyanayin taga

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