English to Indonesian glossary of Microsoft terms

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app barpanel aplikasi
code panepanel kode
Comments panePanel komentar
Control PanelPanel Kontrol
custom task panepanel tugas kustom
data panepanel data
day panepanel hari
details panepanel detail
Document Information PanelPanel Informasi Dokumen
Document PanelPanel Dokumen
Exchange Control PanelPanel Kontrol Exchange
Folder PanePanel Folder
Format Object task panepanel tugas Objek Format
Grammar panePanel Tata Bahasa
grouping panepanel pengelompokan
handwriting panelpanel tulisan tangan
mood panelpanel suasana hati
navigation panepanel navigasi
notes panepanel catatan
Object Dependencies panePanel Ketergantungan Objek
People PanePanel Orang
PivotChart filter panePanel filter PivotChart
preview panepanel tampilan awal
reading panepanel baca
Shortcuts panePanel pintasan
Spelling panePanel ejaan
table panepanel tabel
task panepanel tugas
task pane appaplikasi panel tugas
task pane app for Officeaplikasi panel tugas untuk Office
Thesaurus panePanel Tesaurus
tool panepanel alat
topic panepanel topik
workpanepanel kerja

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