English to Indonesian glossary of Microsoft terms

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action tabletabel tindakan
alignment tabtab perataan
child tabletabel anak
crosstab queryselisik tab silang
custom tabletabel kustom
data tabletabel data
Excel tabletabel Excel
external tabletabel eksternal
file allocation tabletabel alokasi file
File tabTab berkas, Tab file
input tabletabel masukan
layout tabletabel atak
Make Table queryselisik Buat Tabel
nested tabletabel bersarang
primary tabletabel primer
query tabletabel pertanyaan, tabel kueri
Quick TabsTab Cepat
repeating tabletabel berulang
Review tabtab Tinjau
ribbon tabtab pita
sheet tabtab lembar
system tabletabel sistem
tab characterkarakter tab
tab controlkontrol tab
tab delimitedberbatas tab
TAB keykunci TAB
tab pagehalaman tab
tab setperangkat tab
tab stopperhentian tab
tabbed browsingpenjelajah bertab
tabbed conversationpercakapan dalam tab
tabbed conversationspercakapan dalam tab
Table HierarchyHierarki Tabel
Table ListDaftar Tabel
table namenama tabel
table of authoritiestabel otoritas
table of contentsdaftar isi
table of figurestabel gambar
table panepanel tabel
table stylegaya tabel
tablet PCPC tablet

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