English to Igbo glossary of Microsoft terms

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end useròjìàrụ
filer userihe mmechi òjiarụ
graphical user interfacenzipụ̀ta ihuọrụ ńeserese
local useròjìarụ otùebe
master user domainòhòro ọkaòjìàrụ nke nnaukwu
Multilingual User InterfaceIhuọrụ Ojiarụ Kèọtụtụasusu
registered useròjìarụ edebàràahā
Switch UserGbanwee Ojiàrụ
User Account ControlNjizi Akaụnt Òjìàrụ
user localeebe òjìarụ
user nameaha omeè
user profileprofaịl òjiàrụ
user rightsikikere òjìàrụ
usernameaha ojiaru

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