English to Igbo glossary of Microsoft terms

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cell spacingòhère cell na ibe ya
code paneibeènyò koodu
Comments paneokwuntụkwàsa ibeènyò
Criteria paneIbeènyò m̀bụrụna
dynamic landing pageibe mbata na-agbanwe agbanwe
Folder PaneIbeènyò Foldà
Format Object task paneHàzie Ọrụ Objetiv Ibeènyò
Grammar paneGrama Ibeènyò
lobby pageibe mbata
navigation paneibeènyò ngagharị
page headerisi ibeakwụkwọ
page layout viewnlele nhàzi ibe
peer-to-peer networknetwọọk ibè-na-ibè
People PaneIbeènyò Ndị mmadụ̀
preview paneIbeènyo nhụrụ tupu
property sheetibeakwụkwọ njìrìmaraihē
reading paneIbeènyo agụmihe
R-squared valueiberibe R-square
Spelling paneNsupe ibeènyò
table paneibeènyò tebul
task paneibeènyò ọrụdịnụ
task pane appọrụ app ibeènyò
task pane app for Officeọrụ app ibeènyò maka Office
Thesaurus paneOkwu nkọwa ibeènyò
topic paneisiokwu ibeènyò
worksheetIbeakwụkwọ ọrū

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