English to Igbo glossary of Microsoft terms

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Trusted BootÙsòròmbido nwere Ntụkwàsịobì
Trusted Documentsdọkụment nwere ntụkwàsịobì
trusted locationebe dị ntụkwàsịobì
trusted PCPC atụkwàsịrị obi
trusted publisheronye mbipụta atụkwasara obi
trusted publisher storeụlọ ahịa onye mbipụta atụkwasịrị obi
trusted root CACA mgbọrọgwụ nwere ntụkwàsịobì
trusted root certification authorityòtu ikikere nkwupùta mgbọrọgwụ nwere ntụkwàsịobì
trusted sourceebensiriweta dị ntụkwàsịobì

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