English to Icelandic glossary of Microsoft terms

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access providernetþjónusta
Active Directory siteActive Directory netverk
ad hoc networktímabundið net
addressvistfang, veffang, slóð, netfang
Appear offlineSýna sem utan nets
BitLocker network unlockBitLocker-netopnun
broadband networkbreiðbandsnet
cluster networkklasanet
company networkfyrirtækisnet
complex networkflókið net
computer-to-computer networktenging frá tölvu til tölvu
Dial-Up Networkinghringinet
email addressnetfang
e-mail addressnetfang
e-mail as sign in IDnetfang sem innskráningarkenni
Group Ad-hoc Networksérnotanet (GN)
Integrated Services Digital NetworkISDN
Internet access providernetþjónusta
Internet service providernetþjónusta
intranetinnra net
live chat customer supportnetspjall við þjónustuver
local area networkstaðarnet
metered networknet með mælingu
metropolitan area networkMAN
Microsoft Storenetverslun Microsoft
net amountnettóupphæð
net book valuebókað nettóvirði
net change master schedulingröðun samkvæmt nettóbreytingum
Netherlands Taxonomy ProjectNederlandse Taxonomie Project
network adapternetkort
network administratornetstjóri
Network and Sharing CenterNet- og samnýtingarmiðstöð
Network CenterNetmiðstöð
network configurationgrunnstilling nets
Network Diagramnetteikning
network drivenetdrif
Network ExplorerNetkerfisskoðari
Network News Transfer ProtocolNNTP-samskiptareglur
Network Printer Installation WizardUppsetningarforrit netprentara
Office Online Sharing ServiceMiðlunarþjónusta Office á netinu
offlineótengdur, utan nets
OfflineUtan nets
offline cube fileteningaskrá utan nets
offline data sourcegagnagjafi utan nets
offline folder filemöppuskrá utan nets
offline instant messagespjallskilaboð utan nets
onlineá neti, tengdur
onlinetengdur, á neti
OnlineÁ neti
online accountnetreikningur
Online ArchiveSafn á netinu
Online Certificate Status Protocolsamskiptareglur um stöðu vottorðs á netinu
online document storagenettengd skjalageymsla

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