English to Icelandic glossary of Microsoft terms

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Affiliate Programkerfi fyrir samstarfsaðila
antimalware programspillivarnarforrit
antispyware programnjósnavarnarforrit
calendar programdagbókarforrit
computer programtölvuforrit
Cryptography Application Programming InterfaceDulritunarforritaskil
customer loyalty programvildarkerfi
desktop programtölvuforrit
desktop programtölvuforrit, skjáborðsforrit
file sharing programskráaskiptiforrit
joke programhrekkjaforrit
Language for non-Unicode programstungumál fyrir forrit án Unicode
loyalty programvildarkerfi
Messaging Application Programming InterfaceMAPI-viðmót
Program Compatibility troubleshooterúrræðaleit vegna samhæfni forrita
program eventforritsatvik
programmatic identifierForritsauðkenni
programming element attributeeigind forritunareiningar
programming eventforritunartilvik
send-to programmóttökuforrit
spreadsheet programtöflureiknir
Windows 7 Logo ProgramLógókerfi fyrir Windows 7
Windows Certification ProgramWindows-vottunarkerfið

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