English to Bosnian glossary of aged care terms

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Acute conditionAkutna bolest
Alzheimer’s disease FamilialNasljedna Alzheimerova bolest
Alzheimer's DiseaseAlzheimerova bolest
Cardiovascular diseaseKardiovaskularna bolest
Chronic diseaseHronična bolest
Community treatment orderNaredba o obaveznom vanbolničkom liječenju zbog mentalne bolesti
Coronary heart diseaseKoronarna srčana bolest
DiabetesDijabetes, šećerna bolest
Disease controlZaštita i suzbijanje širenja bolesti
Disease managementPreventiva i liječenje bolesti
Disease preventionPreventiva širenja bolesti
Episode of careUkupna njega za određenu bolest ili povredu
Eventually fatal conditionNeizlječiva bolest
Family historyPorodična istorija bolesti
Huntington's diseaseHantingtonova bolest
Infectious diseasesZarazne bolesti
Medical historyAnamneza, istorija bolesti
Mental health review boardKomisija za procjenu obaveze liječenja od mentalne bolesti
Mental health servicesZdravstvene usluge za mentalne bolesti
Mental illnessMentalna/duševna bolest
Psychiatric IllnessDuševna bolest
RelapseVraćanje bolesti
Sporadic Alzheimer's diseaseSporadična Alzheimerova bolest
Subcortical vascular dementia (Binswanger's disease)Demencija usljed vaskularnih promjena u potkori mozga (Binswangerova bolest)
Terminal conditionNeizlječiva bolest ili stanje osobe
Terminal illnessNeizlječiva bolest

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