Croatian to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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antišpijunski softverantispyware software
antivirusni softverantivirus software
Berkeley Software DistributionBerkeley Software Distribution
Entertainment Software Rating BoardEntertainment Software Rating Board
Komercijalni klijent za licenciranje softveraSoftware Licensing Commerce Client
krivotvoreni softvercounterfeit software
Licencne odredbe za Microsoftov softverMicrosoft Software License Terms
logotip sustava Windows 7 za softverWindows 7 software logo
Microsoft Windows Software ExplorerMicrosoft Windows Software Explorer
nadzorni softvermonitoring software
nezavisni dobavljač softveraindependent software vendor
neželjeni softverunwanted software
Originalan Microsoftov softverGenuine Microsoft Software
program za uvjetovane instalacijesoftware bundler
Softver i uslugeSoftware + Services
Softver i uslugeSoftware Plus Services
softver protiv zlonamjernih programaantimalware software
softver za daljinsko upravljanjeremote control software
softverska nadogradnjasoftware upgrade
softverski usmjerniksoftware router
softversko ažuriranjesoftware update
Usluga licenciranja softveraSoftware Licensing Service
Windows Media Encoder Software Development KitWindows Media Encoder Software Development Kit
Windows Media Format Software Development KitWindows Media Format Software Development Kit
zaštita softverasoftware protection

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