Croatian to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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Address Resolution ProtocolAddress Resolution Protocol
AppleTalk Protocol paketAppleTalk Protocol suite
Bandwidth Allocation Protocolbandwidth allocation protocol
Callback Control ProtocolCallback Control Protocol
Challenge Handshake Authentication ProtocolChallenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
dodatak za kontrolu protokolacontrol protocol plug-in
DRT protokolDRT protocol
Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Encryption Control ProtocolEncryption Control Protocol
File Transfer ProtocolFile Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer ProtocolHypertext Transfer Protocol
IEEE standardni protokol za autorizaciju u privicima glavnog računala privremenih uređaja za pohranuIEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices
Internet ProtocolInternet Protocol
Internet Protocol SecurityInternet Protocol security
Internet Protocol verzije 4Internet Protocol version 4
Layer Two Tunneling ProtocolLayer Two Tunneling Protocol
Lightweight Directory Access ProtocolLightweight Directory Access Protocol
Link Control ProtocolLink Control Protocol
međuposlužiteljski protokolS2S protocol
međuposlužiteljski protokolserver-to-server protocol
Mrežni protokol za potvrdu statusa certifikataOnline Certificate Status Protocol
Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation ProtocolMulticast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol
Network News Transfer ProtocolNetwork News Transfer Protocol
NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport ProtocolNWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol
Peer Name Resolution ProtocolPeer Name Resolution Protocol
Point-to-Point ProtocolPoint-to-Point Protocol
Point-to-Point Tunneling ProtocolPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
Post Office Protocol verzija 3Post Office Protocol version 3
prebacivanje među protokolimaprotocol rollover
protokol bootstrapbootstrap protocol
protokol PXEPXE protocol
protokol za internetski prijenos glasaVoice over Internet Protocol
Protokol za pristup porukama e-pošteInternet Message Access Protocol
Real Time Streaming ProtocolReal-Time Streaming Protocol
Remote Desktop ProtocolRemote Desktop Protocol
Resource Reservation ProtocolResource Reservation Protocol
Routing Information ProtocolRouting Information Protocol
Secure Hypertext Transfer ProtocolSecure Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Session Initiation ProtocolSession InitiationProtocol
Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
Simple Network Management ProtocolSimple Network Management Protocol
Simple Object Access ProtocolSimple Object Access Protocol
Transmission Control ProtocolTransmission Control Protocol
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet ProtocolTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
User Datagram ProtocolUser Datagram Protocol

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