German to English dictionary of automotive terms

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Abfallstrom drop current
Abschaltstrom cut-off current
Anfahrstrom initial current
Anlaufstrom starting current
Anlaßstrom starting current
Drehstrom alternating current
Elektronenfluß electron current
Elektronenstrom electron current
Energiestrom energy current
Entladestrom discharging current
Erregerstrom field current
Feldstrom field current
Gegenstrom reverse current
Gleichstrom direct current
Höchstladestrom peak current
Induktionsstrom induced current
Kriechstrom leak current
Kurzschlußstrom short-circuit current
Kälteprüfstrom cold-start current
Ladestrom charging current
Leckstrom leak current
Querstrom transverse current
Rückstrom reverse current
Rückströmung reverse current
Schaltstrom lock current
Schwachstrom weak current
Sperrstrom reverse current
Startstrom starting current
Steuerstrom pilot current
Stromabgabe collection of current
Stromabnehmer current consumer
Stromaufnahme current consumption
Stromdichte current density
Stromquelle current source
Stromregler current regulator
Stromrichtung direction of current
Stromstoß surge of current
Stromstärke current strength
Stromverbrauch current consumption
Stromverbraucher current consumer
Stromverlust loss of current
Stromversorgung current supply
Stromzufuhr current supply
Stärkstrom power current
Vorerregerstrom pre-excitation current
Wechselstrom alternating current
Wärmeströmung heating current

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