German to English dictionary of automotive terms

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Anlaßschlüssel starter key
Einlagekeil sunk key
Federkeil Woodruff key
Flachkeil flat key
geradstirniger Keil square key
Hohlkeil hollow key
Keilfeder woodruff key
Keilscheibe woodruff key
Kode key
Kontaktschalter starter key
Kontaktschlüssel starter key
Leuchtschlüssel illuminated key
Mondsichelring woodruff key
Nebenschlüssel spare key
Paßfeder sunk key
Rundkeil round key
rundstirniger Keil round key
Schaltschlüssel starting key
Scheibenfeder woodruff key
Scheibenkeil woodruff key
Schlüssel key
Schlüsselkode key code
Schlüsselloch key hole
Speichertaste memory key
Startschlüssel starter key
Tastatur keyboard
Taste key
Tastensatz keyboard
Türschlüssel door key
Woodruffkeil woodruff key
Ziehkeil draw key
Zündschlüssel starting key

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