German to English dictionary of automotive terms

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Gepäckraumdeckel rear-deck lid
Gepäckraumhaube rear-deck lid
Gepäckraumklappe rear-deck lid
Handschuhfachdeckel glove-compartment lid
Handschuhkastenklappe glove-compartment lid
Heckdeckel rear lid
Kofferdeckel luggage-compartment lid
Kofferraumdeckel luggage-compartment lid
Kofferraumdeckelstütze luggage-compartment lid stay
Kofferraumdeckelträger luggage-compartment lid rack
Kofferraumfassungsvermögen luggage-compartment lid capacity
Kofferraumhaube luggage-compartment lid
Kofferraumklappe luggage-compartment lid
Stahlschiebedach metal roof lid
Wartungsklappe maintenance lid

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