German to English dictionary of automotive terms

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Druckverlust loss of pressure
Energieverlust energy loss
Gesamtverluste total loss
Kompressionsdruckverlust compression loss
Kühlflüssigkeitsverlust coolant loss
Kühlmittelverlust coolant loss
Kühlwasserverlust coolant loss
Leckverlust loss due to leakage
Leistungsabnahme power loss
Luftverlust air loss
Minderung loss, reduction
Reibungsleistung friction losses
Reibungsverlust friction losses
Reibverlust friction losses
Spulverluste scavenging losses
Strahlungsverlust radiation loss
Stromverlust loss of current
Verdichtungsverlust compression loss
Verluste losses
Verlustleistung power loss
Wasserverlust water loss
Wärmeverlust heat loss

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