German to English dictionary of automotive terms

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Antriebsriemenscheibe driving pulley
Antriebsscheibe driving pulley
Führungsrolle guide pulley
Keilriemenrolle V-belt pulley
Keilriemenscheibe V-belt pulley
Kettenrolle idler pulley
Kettenspannrolle chain-tensioning pulley
Kurbelwellenscheibe crankshaft pulley
Leitrolle rope pulley
Lüfterriemenscheibe fan pulley
Riemenscheibe belt pulley
Rolle pulley, roller
Seilrolle cable pulley
Spannvorrichtung tightener pulley
Umkehrscheibe reversing pulley
Umlenkrolle deflection pulley
Ventilatorriemenscheibe fan pulley

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