German to English dictionary of automotive terms

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Abgleichwiderstand compensating resistor
Ballastwiderstand ballast resistor
Gleitwiderstand slide resistor
Heizleiter positive temperature-coefficient resistor
Kaltleiter negative temperature-coefficient resistor
Nebenschlußwiderstand shunt resistor
Nebenwiderstand shunt resistor
Positiver Temperaturkoeffizient-Widerstand PTC resistor
regelbarer Widerstand regulating resistor
Regelwiderstand regulating resistor
Reihenwiderstand series resistor
Rheostat regulating resistor
Schiebewiderstand slide resistor
Startanhebungswiderstand dropping resistor
Unterbrecherwiderstand contact-breaker resistor
Vorschaltwiderstand series resistor
Vorwiderstand series resistor
Widerstandelement resistor
Widerstandszündkerze resistor-type spark plug

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