German to English dictionary of automotive terms

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Fahrerboden foot well
Felgenbett rim well
Fußraum foot well
niederfrequente Welle low frequency
Tiefbettfelge well-base rim-velg
Welle spindle
Wellenbereich tuning range
Wellendichtring shaft-sealing ring
Wellendichtung shaft seal
Wellenende shaft stud
Wellenflansch shaft flange
Wellenlager shaft bearing
Wellenleistung shaft rating
Wellenlänge wace length
Wellenscheibe waved washer
Wellenstumpf shaft stub
Wellentunnel prop-shaft tunnel
Wellenversatz axial off-set
Wellenzapfen shaft stub
Wellrippenkühler corrugated fin-type radiator
Wellscheibe waved washer

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