English to Spanish fail-safe valve quick guide

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When properly installed, it is intended to prevent inadvertent resetting of the DV-5 Valve after initial operation of the DV-5 Valve.Una vez instalada correctamente, está concebida para evitar el rearme involuntario de la vál vula DV-5 tras el accionamiento inicial de la misma(Figure 1) is intended for use with the Model DV-5 Deluge Valve in certain types of trim arrangements for deluge and preaction systems.
The Model FSV-1 Fail-Safe Valve automatically resets after the system piping downstream of the Model DV-5 Deluge Valve is drained and returned to its normal 0 psi gauge pressure.La válvula de seguridad reforzada FSV-1 se rearma automáticamente una vez las tuberías del sistema situadas aguas abajo de la válvula de diluvio DV-5 se drenan y vuelven a su presión normal de 0 psi.

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